

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Both of our girls struggle with sleep issues common to internationally adopted kids.  Nighttime seems to bring many fears to the surface.  Dumpling had many nights of waking up in complete terror.  Princess would wake up and be unable to get back to sleep for hours.  I have prayed over these girls for many nights in hopes of getting into a peaceful routine.  We have tried different types of sleeping arrangements in hopes of giving all of us rest.  After 10 months of sleeping with or right next to us, Dumpling has moved into Princess' room.  I have transitioned her slowly in hopes of making her comfortable.  This current arrangement has been in place for about 10 days and seems to be working well.  Dumpling and Princess seem happy and nighttime waking is at a minimum.  This has been life-altering for us!  I am one happy Mom!

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